Hello, I'm Katie, the owner of Dazzle Desserts. I founded this company because I needed something more for myself during a time when everything was uncertain, so crafting the perfect cookie became a way to escape that uncertainty. After an intense year, including two months at the NICU for my little one, coastal fires that forced a move, and a pandemic, turning to an old passion became my only outlet. It quickly grew into something much more than I anticipated. Over the past year, I have started to expand my vision from perfecting a recipe to helping others accomplish more.

I've recently partnered with another disabled bakery owner (Carina's Bakery), and together we are shifting the conversation about what it means to be disabled in the workplace, both as an employee and an employer.

I was born with a genetic condition that has greatly impacted my ability to work or lead a traditional life. I've undergone over 33 surgeries in my lifetime, including seven brain surgeries. I am a medical anomaly, and because of that, I have chosen to fight back by raising awareness and lifting others up alongside me.

My vision is to offer a licensing deal with other entrepreneurs in their areas across the country, providing Dazzle Desserts to local coffee shops, retail stores, and other businesses, all while changing stigmas about what it means to be disabled in the workplace. I want to give people the confidence to try more in life and not be afraid of failure. By connecting with local resources and asking the right questions, I have been able to forge a path forward for myself—it's my gift to give that same chance to others.






Sophia Kinhnarath


Jaime Hicks Allen