A re-calling to my gifts was part of my healing journey from the abuse in my life. For years, as with many survivors,

I was too traumatized to focus on me and the gifts given to me. Like many survivors, I was left with a big question mark in my very spirit when finally leaving abuse for the last time.

One of these gifts is leadership and I serve in that arena by being the Women's Director for ARMS - Abuse Recovery Ministry Services, as part of the Washington County Survivor VOICES Committee and as the current President of the Oregon Christian Writers/Cascade Christian Writers Awards.

I'm grateful to have ability and interest in writing. A lot of work and time has been invested into my craft talent was just the start!)

My fiction series on human trafficking has won awards and been in the top sales within their category several times.

Now I frequently teach at conferences on writing and book marketing in addition to teaching nationwide on multiple domestic violence and healing topics.

Map out your dreams and put effort into them. Set reasonable goals. You are SO capable, worthy, talented, beautiful and smart. You can choose where your path leads. Know that there are others here to come alongside and support your efforts.





Jessie Palmer


Krystal Holm