I’ve been there. I’ve healed my own stress, anxiety (quit all anxiety meds), and trauma. I’ve used my years of study and knowledge of the mind/body connection to improve my life and overcome the challenges of chronic pain and disability. I’ve supported custody court moms through the trials and traumas of family court. And I’ve helped people with life transitions, career transitions, relationship issues, anxieties, fears, and phobias. 

No matter where you are on your journey, I want to meet you there and offer you resources, community, and support. 

Certified Accredited Strategic Life Coach, Certified NLP Practitioner, Certified Clinical Hypnotist, and Creative Changework Artist 

Free Resources available for Stress, Anxiety, Grief, Trauma, and Disability. 

Free Access to safe, supportive Community on Facebook.

LightSome LENS Membership option:

LENS = Love, Empowerment, Nurturance, and Strength

Maybe you've experienced trauma, loss, grief, and terrible circumstances. Perhaps you are chronically ill or disabled. But you are HERE now, ready to move forward and live your best possible life. Take the learnings and wisdom from yesterday, embrace your resources and strengths today, and move ahead into your brightest possible tomorrow.

The mind/body connection has a strong impact on physical health, emotional health, and overall wellbeing. So learn to manage your stress, overcome negative triggers from your past, plan for your positive future, and better manage your healthcare and your finances. Discover your resources, turn your inner critic into a friend, and design your dream future. No matter what your past or current circumstances, your journey begins now toward a more joyful, calm, confident, well balanced life, where you can discover your own unique superpowers.

Monthly live online workshops led by Creative Changework Artist and Certified Coach Lena, library of replays and resources, and more. Take back control of your mind and your life, and determine your own destiny!

Risk free 14 day free trial and affordable all inclusive monthly membership.

Website https://www.lightsomehearts.com/

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@LightSomeHeartsLLC

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/Lena_Alight

Facebook Business Page https://www.facebook.com/lightsomehearts

Facebook Moms Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/familycourtsupportformoms

Facebook Support Community (for everyone) https://www.facebook.com/groups/lightsomeheartslens


Megan Babcock


Kathleen Loucks